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42 dumb labels on products

20 Really Stupid Products - STUPPID - Trending Stupid News 20 Really Stupid Products May 27, 2014 at 8:14 pm People will try anything stupid to make a buck and this list of stupid products represents their failures. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Stupid People, Stupid Lawsuits, Stupid Warning Labels & the Coming ... That tendency, driven by the tort system, will only be amplified by federal and state policymakers' newfound nudgeiness —the desire to get us all to make the "right" decisions through subtle governmental tinkering to the "choice architecture" of our daily lives. As Seinfeld 's Frank Costanza would say: " Serenity now! ".

15 Warning Labels Made Specifically for Stupid People 10. For the curled up look. Source: Why anyone would even think of using a hair straightening iron on the eyelashes is beyond us but there are people who would so this warning label is just perfect. Girls, please don't use a hair iron on your eyes. It's absolutely dangerous! 9. You can die.

Dumb labels on products

Dumb labels on products

In Pictures: 24 Stunningly Dumb Warning Labels - Forbes Product: New Holland's small tractors. We proudly present the winner of the 11th annual Wacky Warning Label contest, hosted by Bob Dorigo Jones, author of Remove Child Before Folding: The 101 ... The 15 Stupidest Products Of All Time (PHOTOS) - HuffPost Funny Videos products slidepollajax slidepoll Stupid Products. Popular in the Community. What's Hot. Jeff Bridges Shares Powerful Lessons From Cancer And COVID-19 Bouts. Starbucks Union Says Howard Schultz Broke The Law During New York Times Interview. Tundra Fire Raging Through Southwest Alaska Threatens Villages. 15 Stupidest Warning Labels - Oddee Funny Warning Label: They think you're a dumbass! "Do not iron" (on a lottery ticket) NOTE: our reader CL explained that "lottery tickets are printed via a thermal printer, hence if you iron them the whole thing will turn black, invalidating any winning numbers you may have."

Dumb labels on products. 12 of the Dumbest Warning Labels Ever ... - Allwomenstalk 12 "Always Use This Product with Adult Supervision." This too is a very important kind of warning label. We cannot let our children run willy nilly with things that could hurt them. However, in this case the warning label is seen on a bowl. That's right, a bowl -- a receptacle for cereal, soup, and ice cream. 18 Strange and Funny Food Packaging and Label Fails Check out 18 food label fails that probably won't make you hungry, but they'll definitely make you laugh! 01 of 18 Back Off, Prudes! No Soup for You! Via CollegeHumor. We are not sure what flavor this soup is, but then again, we don't want to find out. 02 of 18 That Explains Why Shrimp Is So Addictive Via Imgur. Stupid product packaging/instructions :: Funny Tab On a bottle of laundry detergent: Remove clothing before distributing in washing machine. On a muffin packet: Remove wrapper, open mouth, insert muffin, eat. In a kettle instruction manual: The appliance is switched on by setting the 'ON/OFF' button to the 'ON' position. On a ketchup bottle: Instructions: Put on food. Dumb as a Doormat Product Warning - Product Warning Labels A variety of warning labels, some good, some silly and some just really odd. If you come encounter a funny or interesting product warning label, please send it along. Tortland Tortland collects interesting tort cases, warning labels, and photos of potential torts. Raise risk awareness. Play "Spot the Tort." Weird Patents

Jewelry Dumbbell Labels - Thomasnet Roosevelt, NY Manufacturer* $1 - 4.9 Mil 1955 10-49. Square & round jewelry dumbbell labels made from smudgeproof paper or tear resistant Tyvek® with Clean-Peel removable adhesive. Used as ring tags, for pendants & small jewelry items. Jewelry string tags also available. Stupid Government Product Label - YouTube How can the government require cigarette products to label their pack with something like this. How stupid for the government to say this product kills and y... 65 Of The Funniest Product Instructions And Tags - Bored Panda Some of them are so obvious and stupid they'll make you question where humanity is going. Others are so unexpectedly smart and witty, they will surprise you with their originality. One thing is for sure, most of them will put a smile on your face. #1 The Only Reason We Read These Anymore imasickcunt Report Final score: 707 points POST Homepage | The Career Break Site Apache/2.4.38 (Debian) Server at Port 443

11 Stupid Legal Warnings - HowStuffWorks 11 Stupid Legal Warnings. May contain peanuts. FYI. This is going to blow your mind, so steady yourself: A carton of eggs could potentially have eggs in it. Yes. Now you know the shocking truth. It's OK, we'll give you a minute to let it sink in ... The exact wording of this flabbergasting pronouncement on a carton of eggs is: "This product may ... Why are there so many obvious warnings on products? - The short answer is, "because it's the law.". Under the law, product manufacturers have three major obligations to their customers: (1) design non-defective products, (2) manufacture them competently, and (3) warn the public of non-obvious product hazards. How this law developed is pretty interesting. In the 1800s, there had to be an ... Private Label Products to Sell on Amazon FBA - The Dumb Passive Income Blog Private labeling a product to sell was supposed to be the last step. First, I was going to build out all of the content. Do outreach and get links to increase rankings in the search engines. Build up affiliate income to reasonable levels. And build up an email list. All of that had to be done before I would even consider the private label thing. A Collection of Really Dumb Warning Labels - Unreality Mag When manufacturers of certain products need to pass specifications to get their products on the market, one of the requirements is always to put a warning label on the package. Some things might be dangerous and they can't be liable if a person sues them for a ridiculous thing they missed.

138 best images about Stupid & Silly Warning Labels on Pinterest | Funny, Not eating and Bad news

138 best images about Stupid & Silly Warning Labels on Pinterest | Funny, Not eating and Bad news

Dumb Product Labels DUMB PRODUCT LABELS On a lawnmower I had was a big label which read: "WARNING WHEN MOTOR IS RUNNING- THE BLADE IS TURNING!" We once bought a grocery store pizza and the instruction were on the bottom, so we turned it upside down to see how long to cook it etc., and low and behold the first instruction was DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN!

Stupid Warning Labels On Products

Stupid Warning Labels On Products

Dumbest Warning Labels - Forbes In Pictures: 24 Stunningly Dumb Warning Labels The plaintiff's bar has plenty to do with this silly--and costly--trend. Sham product-liability cases can rack up very real damages.

november17's blog.: Dumb warning label

november17's blog.: Dumb warning label

Stupid Product Labels - EzineArticles Then, there's all those food products that have the following statement at the end of the microwave heating directions: "caution: contents may be hot." Duh? It's been in a microwave. Of course it's going to be hot! Of course, the whole reason we have stupid product labels like this is because we have stupid people.

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World

15 Dumbest Warning Labels - Bossip 1 of 17 15 Hilariously Dumb Warning Labels On Products Common sense isn't very common anymore in our dumbed down society where recipes, directions and warning labels are written as if everyone on Earth is in the 5th grade. Hit the jump for the dumbest warning labels ever. PREVIOUS POST NEXT PAGE 1 of 17

Warning labels for dummies - YouTube

Warning labels for dummies - YouTube

21 Stupid Warning Labels That Will Make You Feel Like a Genius Warning labels People rarely read the warning labels on the products they buy, but sometimes it can give you a good laugh. So, for the sake of humor (and also safety) always read the warning label...

november17's blog.: Dumb warning label

november17's blog.: Dumb warning label

130 Stupid & Silly Warning Labels ideas - Pinterest 130 Stupid & Silly Warning Labels ideas | warning labels, labels, funny Stupid & Silly Warning Labels Warning labels that unnecessarily state the obvious, are utterly ridiculous & don't make sense - most of which are just plain funny because they're so stupid… More · 138 Pins 3y B Collection by Dawn Brielle Similar ideas popular now Funny

138 best images about Stupid & Silly Warning Labels on Pinterest | Funny, Not eating and Bad news

138 best images about Stupid & Silly Warning Labels on Pinterest | Funny, Not eating and Bad news

Weird Warning Labels - Funny Product Disclaimers Jul 22, 2014 Yes, warning labels are important — we definitely want to know when toy parts are a choking hazard or if a product's material is particularly flammable. But sometimes they can sound a...

Dumb things on food labels | For FMJ Bodies Only

Dumb things on food labels | For FMJ Bodies Only

Silly Warning Labels For Stupid People - My Good Time Stories — On the label for a cheap rubber ball toy. "Not for human consumption." — On a package of dice. "May be harmful if swallowed." — On a shipment of hammers. "Using Ingenio cookware to destroy your old pots may void your warranty."

Mighty Lists: 15 dumbest

Mighty Lists: 15 dumbest "as seen on TV" products

Wacky warning labels show toll of frivolous lawsuits - Washington Examiner There is a lawsuit filed every two seconds in America. Manufacturers know they are just a trip, poke or spill away from being sued at any moment. This is why we see warning labels like these three ...

20 Signs So Obvious They Will Make You Question Common Sense | - A blend of ...

20 Signs So Obvious They Will Make You Question Common Sense | - A blend of ...

Funny Warnings. Stupid and Silly Warning Labels - Jokes 20 Hilarious Warning Labels Collected by Will and Guy Do not use house paint on face. Seen on TV in a Visa commercial that depicts an expecting couple looking for paint at a hardware store. Do not drive cars in ocean. Seen in a car commercial which shows a car in the ocean. Always drive on roads. Not on people. Taken from a car

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World

35 Dumb warning labels ideas | warning labels, funny, funny ... - Pinterest May 8, 2016 - Explore Dylan Adams's board "dumb warning labels" on Pinterest. See more ideas about warning labels, funny, funny signs.

OnlineLabels Clip Art - Green Monster

OnlineLabels Clip Art - Green Monster

15 Stupidest Warning Labels - Oddee Funny Warning Label: They think you're a dumbass! "Do not iron" (on a lottery ticket) NOTE: our reader CL explained that "lottery tickets are printed via a thermal printer, hence if you iron them the whole thing will turn black, invalidating any winning numbers you may have."

Funny Wine Labels - FUNNY WINE LABELS

Funny Wine Labels - FUNNY WINE LABELS

The 15 Stupidest Products Of All Time (PHOTOS) - HuffPost Funny Videos products slidepollajax slidepoll Stupid Products. Popular in the Community. What's Hot. Jeff Bridges Shares Powerful Lessons From Cancer And COVID-19 Bouts. Starbucks Union Says Howard Schultz Broke The Law During New York Times Interview. Tundra Fire Raging Through Southwest Alaska Threatens Villages.

In Pictures: 15 Laughable Warning Labels

In Pictures: 15 Laughable Warning Labels

In Pictures: 24 Stunningly Dumb Warning Labels - Forbes Product: New Holland's small tractors. We proudly present the winner of the 11th annual Wacky Warning Label contest, hosted by Bob Dorigo Jones, author of Remove Child Before Folding: The 101 ...

Amway Cult Intervention: Get Wealthy by Selling Amway Products

Amway Cult Intervention: Get Wealthy by Selling Amway Products

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World

Funny Product Labels - Gallery | eBaum's World



Stupid Warning Labels On Products

Stupid Warning Labels On Products

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